Clip is a platform to share and discover great content.

Crowdsource content from around the web in a social way.

Get started

Save your favourite content from around the web.

Clip items you would like to read or watch later. Think of it as your own digital locker. Use topics to categorize content for easy discoverability. Everything you post publicly, is automatically accesssable to other Clip users, so the more accurate and relevant topics you choose, the easier you will make for others to discover your content.

Post natively to Slack

If your team uses Slack, you’ll love this feature. Connect your Slack account and every time you clip something, you’ll have an option to post it to Slack in one click. You can connect your Slack account under “Preferences” accessable in the upper right corner of your feed.

Discover interesting content by subscribing to topics.

Every time you clip something, you assign a relevant topic and it gets shared with everyone on the platform. That way, when you share something under "topic A" and someone happens to subscribe to it, they will see your clip in their feed. It's a great way to collaboratively discover content on topics that matter to you.

Discover great content shared by your friends and colleagues.

Invite your friends and colleagues to Clip and follow them to discover interesting content they share.